
Cooking with food intolerances

The list grows shorter…. June 10, 2011

Filed under: Blog — Kathy Brown @ 7:08 am

My son just trialed chicken three days ago. He passed!! No ill effects at all. It was removed three years ago after we got his ALCAT results (a test that shows inflammatory response to food). We trialed him on it about a year ago and pulled it back out after behavioral issues cropped up. This time: NOTHING. Awesome!! It’ll now be rotated (one in every four days) just to make sure it’s safe, for about 6 months before letting him go hog wild. This will make meal planning so much easier!


Brownies! June 9, 2011

I often crave brownies, and I can make brownies gluten, dairy, soy, and corn free, but they would still had eggs.  And my son wouldn’t be able to have them if they had eggs. And I’ve seen recipes online that use almond flour, but again, my son can’t have almonds either. I’ve been working on this one for a while, tweaking here and there so that they were fudgy but not oily (the first stab at it was definitely oily). I’ll try to get a picture tomorrow, but tonight I’ve cut 4 brownies but none of them were good enough for a picture, so I just had to eat them!

3 flax eggs

1 c. beet or cane sugar

1/3 c. canola oil

1 1/4 c. sorghum flour

1/3 c. cocoa

1 tsp. corn-free baking powder

1/2 tsp. sea salt

2 tsp. corn-free vanilla extract

1/2 c. chopped walnuts (optional)

Mix all ingredients except walnuts (if you’re using). Spread in greased 9″ x 9″ pan.  Sprinkle chopped nuts on top (if using). Bake at 350F for 25 minutes. Let cool before eating (if you can).